It is pretty much accepted now that the old model of us human beings having five senses, sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell has been superseded by a more complete understanding which gives us something more like twenty senses allowing us to understand and analyse the World around us. These additional senses include things like the ability to perceive direction and motion, to perceive changes in air pressure and to detect electro-magnetic fields. This is not that surprising given that these senses have been acknowledged in other species for many years. What is interesting however is that it appears that one of the reasons they weren’t picked up in humans is that we are not ourselves aware of them as discrete senses. Let us look at one of these in particular. The ability to detect electro-magnetic fields of magneto-reception. It has been acknowledged that fish such as rays and sharks have an inbuilt capacity of magneto-reception through a structure within the flesh of the fish called the ampullae of Lorenzini, a mucus filled structure that makes use of Faradays law to detect changes in electro-magnetic fields in a way that is thought to be useful for hunting in low light conditions.
It has also been established in birds and some insects and a mechanism has been suggested for these animals using the earths magnetic field for navigation. Two methods have been suggested, the first being particles of magnetite embedded in the nasal bones of birds, and a light sensitive cryptochrome molecules found in the eyes of birds and insects that when activated by blue light for a pair of two radicals, the spin and correlation of which indicates the direction of magnetic force lines. It is interesting to note that there are suggestions that these same processes are at work in humans. So why focus on electr-magnetic perception? I would contend that there is a possibility that if it transpires that humans can perceive electro-magnetism then this could be at the core of what has previously been described as extra-sensory perception. Things like aura-viewing, telepathy, telekinesis and so on could have a rational explanation after all.
Let us posit that as part of the natural body processes the human body emits an electro-magnetic field. Why might this be the case? Well, we know that the nerve impulses that drive the body are electrical in nature even if the voltage is extraordinarily low. We also know that the activity of muscle groups can generate electrical signals and that muscle groups can be controlled by electrical impulses, it is the technology behind pacemakers and also the work being carried out on thought control for artificial limbs. Given that the human body generates electricity it makes sense that some of this may leak beyond the body in the form of an electro-magnetic field. Now let us posit that it were possible for someone to train their electro-receptor sense to increase their capacity to detect EM fields. Why would we suggest this? Again this is evidence based. We know that the primary senses can be trained. There is a lot of military research into sharpening snipers eyesight and hearing, and top food and drink connoisseurs are described as having a refined palate having trained themselves to detect subtle flavours that most people would miss. Similarly, highly trained musicians, composers and conductors can hear a single note played poorly or a single instrument out of tune within an orchestra more easily than someone who doesn’t have that training. So it does not seem an absurd assumption that it would be possible to enhance through training, a secondary sense like electro-reception.
This individual who had so trained themselves may be able to detect more consciously the EM fields around them, whether from people of objects and to understand them. They might exhibit the ability to predict storms or earthquakes, both known to have EM precursors. They may be able to detect objects or people when in complete darkness or blinded. They might, with sufficient training be able to interact with the EM fields of other people or objects and here we get into a very interesting area. Let us suppose that different though patterns gave rise to distinctive EM field changes. For example anger or threat may be expressed differently to calmness. Now let us suppose that someone trained to perceive EM fields was faced with some who was threatening violent behaviour. If they could perceive the changes in EM field in that person they would be able to guage how likely they were to be attacked and potentially when that attack was about to happen and respond accordingly. This has been demonstrated by highly experienced and trained martial artists and has been put down to subtle changes in the opponents posture of eye movements, but what if part of that process was in fact perceiveing changes to the EM field even if only subconciuosly?
Taking this a step further, is it possible that if you could perceive someones EM field and modify your own you could sycronise with them and directly interact with their field? This would allow for the possibility of telepathy since you could potentially read their thoughts in their EM field, and would also provide a potential mechanism for “psychic healing” since it would make sense that illness or injury would affect a persons EM field and that by being able to interact with that field someone trained in electro-reception could modify that field to bring say, pain relief, if not more complete healing.
Personally I am far from convinced but it makes an interesting mental exercise to think about the possibilities…..oh, and a link to a bit more info on electro-reception, just in case you think im making this stuff up ;)
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