Monday, 28 November 2011

Unexpected benefits of playing War Metal…

Ok, so I confess that I take gaming perhaps a little to seriously sometimes. I perhaps get a bit competitive and try a little too hard, but I’m like that in pretty much everything I do. I was a nightmare to work alongside, I won’t say with because I’m not someone who plays well with others, when I was working in a competitive sales environment. Now I’m not saying that I would steal a colleagues sale or anything underhand, but I didn’t take being beaten well, so I tended not to be beaten even if that meant working twenty hour days or whatever. My gaming follows the same pattern. Do to circumstances beyond my control I am pretty much washed up in terms of employment at the age of forty, finding out the hard way that if you put your family before your career when you are in the corporate World you not only don’t get anywhere, but you end up out on the street, but hey, I may be competitive but I have ethics which I try to hold fast to. What this means though is that I am not in a position to contribute much in terms of money to the game I love, I can’t afford to buy very many War Chips but I would if I could. This means that I can’t really hope to compete with players who can. Now you may think that as a competitive soul that this would annoy me, but it doesn’t seem to, and I’m beginning to get an idea of why.

Anyway, I digress, as is often the way, I was meant to be talking about the unexpected benefits of playing War Metal here, right? So, I have been playing for a while now and I seem to be doing ok. I’ve racked up a thousand plus kills, my win to loss ratio in PvP is pretty good, and my progress through epics and missions is going ok. At level 145ish I can do reasonable damage in Swarms, Chimera, Wyrms, Kraken and XMS and I reckon a couple of months and I’ll be competing in Titans at a respectable level which seems pretty reasonable. I’m not far off getting onto the leaderboard for my tier in PvP battle victories either, so all in all my competitive nature is quite nicely assuaged. What is interesting though is that in order to achieve this I am finding that I have to keep a pretty sharp eye on the game when I am playing. Particularly with events like Kraken and Titan, and even Swarms and Chimera if you aren’t in quick you miss out. This means that when I have chance to play I often have a couple of windows open, one with my groups up so I can see new Epics being posted, one with the game itself so I can follow PvP battles and one with the Wiki open so I can target mission tokens. All of this activity means that for the first time in many years I am actually being successful health wise on two fronts.

Firstly, I am drastically cutting down on my smoking, to the point that I have almost given up, and you know what? I’m not missing it anything like as much as I have done in the past. And this is without any nicotine replacement therapy or anything else. Just a bit of willpower and a focus on the game that is distracting me from my cravings. The second benefit is that I was finding that my age old habit of snacking pretty much continuously was interfering with my ability to follow the game and keep pace with the faster Epics, so I’m snacking less and I’ve dropped fifty pounds in a little over six months which is pretty good going I think.

So thank you Alex and your developer team for providing an engaging and stimulating game that is keeping me occupied in my free time to the extent that my health and consequently my happiness is improving week on week. Keep up the good work guys…..

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