Sunday, 28 August 2011

How conspiracy theories work.....

So, I am watching the Da Vinci code and I begin to let my mind drift as I tend to do, and I start to see connections and interlinks and strange coincidences. Dan Brown writes fiction, the first page of his book contains a caveat that the book is a work of fiction. He references another book, "The Templar Revelation" by Lynne Picknett and Clive Prince as source material and these authors appear in cameo roles in the film. The scene they appear in is on a bus journey as the protagonists of the story realise that the tomb they seek is that of Isaac Newton - Picknett and Prince also worked on a book on Hermetic Scientists suggesting Newton was one. Just a coincidence perhaps, but then we look deeper and see that Picknett and Prince based their book on another book "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and we realise that the character of Lea Teabing is an anagram of two of this second books authors. "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" was published by the same company as "The Da Vinci Code" which means that the controversy over the plagarism claims and subsequent court case served to provide publicity to both camps and increase sales of both books, additionally earning fees for both sets of lawyers, both sides being paid by the same publishing company. You can begin to see the links define themselves.

Then we look more closely at Picknett and Prince and see that amongst their other books is one called the Stargate Conspiracy. Perhaps nothing, but maybe not. Particularly when you realise that Ron Howard who directed "Da Vinci Code" probably knows Kurt Russell who starred in the "Stargate" movie. How wierd is that? If that isn't some sort of plaot I'm not sure what is. But of course as with all good conspiracies what we have to ask is where is the money? Secrets are nothing if there is no money to protect. Now obviously the Vatican is a fairly wealthy state with a lot to protect but if we are talking serious money and therefor serious conspiracy we must look for the links that tie Dan Brown to JK Rowling and again we see the hands of PIcknett and Price at work here.

They author esoteric research amongst which are books of hermeticism and alchemy, one of the Harry Potter books references the philosophers stone, an alchemical tool clearly there is a link here that should be investigated. Newton and Da Vinci may have been alchemists so that fits too and they were both grand masters of the Priory of Sion so Dan Brown is part of this conspiracy of authors that is slowly releasing dis-information, confusing and bamboozling the public with gradually less and less penetrable works of fiction, and when we follow the trail of breadcrumbs back to the bank and see who is making all the money, we find it is the authors themselves, along with their entourage of legal advisors, or as David Icke would call them, half human lizard hybrids!

If this blog stops suddenly, you will know I am on to something, and perhaps someone brave enough will take up this baton and run with it until the conspiracy theory writers who are the true conspirators have been brought to is not for nothing that all of these writers at some point use the same creative devise - hiding things in plain sight! You have been warned.....

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