Monday, 25 July 2011

Thoughts on the death of Amy Winehouse.....

It is always a tragedy when someone dies so young. There has already been a lot of talk about lifestyle and about Ms Winehouse' excess' with drugs and alcohol, and the irony of her breakthrough single being "Rehab". Her parents have been interviewed stressing the efforts that they made to help her, her friends have said the same, and it is unquestionable that every effort was made to prevent this death. Trouble is, it is pretty much impossible without resorting to complete physical restraint, to prevent someone with a self destructive bent from acting on that impulse. This is seen most clearly in people suffering with alcoholism. When in the grip of a deep seated addiction, there is no way to persuade the person to get help until they are ready to receive that help, a position generally referred to as "rock bottom". Having spent time around people with severe alcohol problems I can confirm that rock bottom is a pretty low place, and for many people is synonymous with the line between life and death.

When you add in complicating factors such as illegal drugs, partcularly crack cocaine and heroin the situation only becomes more dangerous. The ease with which a heroin user can overdose is incredible, but it happens all the time. I have no doubt that there will be much hand wringing about the perils of someone so young and vulnerable being exposed to such a lifestyle whilst having the money to indulge it, and calls for knee jerk responses that serve no purpose. Legislation is not the answer. Drugs have been legislated against for long enough to know that it is no real solution. There will always be ways around any legal prohibition. The answer is education, understanding and awareness. People take drugs, they get drunk, they smoke, and they do these things for a variety of reasons, boredom, curiosity, for excitement, for self destructive reasons, and perhaps the one that gets the least amount of coverage, the elephant in the room, because taking drugs can make you feel good. It can be an uplifting and rewarding experience that more than makes up for the negative consequences for many people.

There is a history within the music industry of excess and early death. Throughout the '60's and '70's we lost a tremendous amount of talent early. One only has to think of Hendrix, Bonham and the rest to know that the ethos of life fast, die young was, and still is an integral part of the rock and roll lifestyle. Personally I see no benefit in placing blame for the death of Ms. Winehouse. I don't buy into the idea that it is the fault of the media, or her management, or the industry she was in. We are all, as individuals, responsible for our own actions, and must all, as individuals, accept the consequences of our actions. I shall be thinking of her family and their grief, and wishing her spirit safe journey onwards whatever its destination, but I shall not be thinking about who is to blame, or bemoaning the society that has allowed this to happen. I shall accept the loss and move is the only way......

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