Here's a question that has been exercising my old grey matter for a little while now. Am I the same person online as I am offline? By this I mean do I have a different personality when I am communicating online as when I meet people face to face. Certainly there are inherent differences which I guess everyone to a greater or lesser extent encounters. There are the differences caused by the lack of visual cues to communication. Working online I have to find a way to express emotion through language rather than gesture or facial expression. I also find a change in that face to face I can be quite shy and reserved but online I find I can express myself more freely.
So, how am I different online? More verbose perhaps? (You, dear reader may have your own opinion on this!) More avant-garde? Less inhibited with relative strangers? I believe so, bacuse it can take me quite a long time to become comfortable with people in real life, and I am quite reticent about sharing personal information with people, prefering to keep things private. Online I am happy to chat about all sorts of things. I think for me, there is an anonymity to online interaction, even when I know the person I am interacting with in real life.
I'm not sure why this is, but it is something that I will be monitoring over the coming months to see if there are aspects of each personality that would be better combined into one over-arching, universally acceptable me...
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